Expert Workshops and Research Studies
Many of the water and food systems challenges that J-WAFS seeks to address can’t be solved by a single individual or a single institution. Collaboration is critical, therefore J-WAFS leverages MIT’s convening power to produce international-scale expert workshops and research studies that bring together some of the leading researchers and institutions to develop solutions
Examples of our work in this area
“In climate research related to food and agriculture, there is much analysis, but action paralysis…To truly transform food systems so that they are climate-resilient and equitable, we must adopt big-picture, action-oriented thinking by creating more strategic agendas, involving stakeholders from the start, and measuring success by whether or not the research has been able to benefit society in tangible ways.”
—Ana Maria Loboguerrero, PhD, Director for Climate Action, CGIAR, Alliance Bioversity International-CIAT during her Keynote Address "Transforming food systems under climate change through innovation" at the 2022 FACT Alliance Workshop

Research Highlights
MIT Water Affordability Workshop explores solutions to America’s water affordability crisis
The Alliance for Climate Change and Food Systems Research
J-WAFS at MIT Convenes an International and Multi-Institutional Team of Researchers to Speed Food Systems Research Toward Climate Resilience
Climate change, agriculture, water, and food security: what we know and don't know
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: An opportunity for collaboration and shared benefits in the Eastern Nile Basin