J-WAFS Travel Grants for Water Conferences

Deadline for UNC Water & Health Conference:   5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, August 12, 2024

Deadline for Stockholm World Water Week was 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, May 6, 2024

J-WAFS offers travel grants for MIT graduate students to attend water sector conferences. In 2024, J-WAFS is offering travel grants to attend:  

The travel grants support learning and networking opportunities for outstanding MIT graduate students who are pursuing careers in the water sector, whether in academia, non-profits, government, or industry.

J-WAFS anticipates awarding two to four outstanding students with funding to cover conference registration and travel expenses for each conference. The travel grants are supported by gifts to J-WAFS from our Research Affiliate companies, Xylem Inc. and GoAigua

Eligibility: Students eligible to apply for the travel grants must currently be full-time MIT graduate students whose research, academics, and other activities demonstrate a commitment to addressing water quality, water supply, or related public or private sector challenges around water use, sustainability, and access, as well as an interest in pursuing a career in the water sector. Students selected for support will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements, and if they don’t hold a U.S. passport, they are responsible for determining requirements and applying in a timely manner for any needed visas.

Funded students will be expected to maintain a daily journal at the conference, in which they record and reflect on their experiences there, including sessions attended, people they meet or engage with, interactions with Xylem, what they are learning, and how the conference influences their thinking about their research or career aspirations. Upon return, J-WAFS’ communications and program manager, Carolyn Blais, will request a summary of each student’s experience as well as photos to be used in the J-WAFS’ newsletter, communications with the funders, and other materials. The funded students will also be asked to acknowledge their appreciation to Xylem and GoAigua for the gift that is supporting this funding opportunity and any additional opportunities provided during the conference.