Funded Researchers

Headshot of Christopher Voigt

Christopher Voigt

  • Daniel I.C. Wang Professor of Advanced Biotechnology
  • and department head
  • Department of Biological Engineering

Christopher Voigt, PhD is the head of the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT. He is an expert in synthetic biology and his lab has applied genetic engineering to problems in agriculture, health, computation, medicine, chemicals/materials, national security, and infrastructure. He holds the Daniel I.C. Wang Professorship and is Co-Director of the Synthetic Biology Center. He received a BSE in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan (1998) and a PhD in biophysics from Caltech (2002). He is a founder of Pivot Bio (microbial agricultural products), Asimov (human cell synthetic biology), and Fieldstone (national security and biotechnology). 

J-WAFS-funded projects
