Past Funded Researchers

Ruben Juanes
- Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Ruben Juanes is Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT. Prior to joining the MIT faculty, he was Acting Assistant Professor at Stanford University, and Assistant Professor at UT Austin. He is an expert in multiphase flow through porous media and computational geomechanics, with applications to large-scale Earth science problems in the areas of energy and environment: oil and gas recovery, methane hydrates, and geologic carbon sequestration. He is the author of over 140 peer-reviewed journal publications papers (including over 40 papers on carbon sequestration and EOR) and over 60 conference papers. He is the recipient of the inaugural US Department of Energy Early Career Award and the DOE Geoscience Award. He holds MS and PhD Degrees from the University of California at Berkeley.