Past Student Fellows

Julia Sokol
- PhD Candidate
- Honorable Mention, 2018 J-WAFS Fellowships for Water Solutions
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
Julia Sokol is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Julia researches novel designs for drip irrigation emitters that operate at lower pressures and are more clog-resistant than currently available products.
Julia is a student in the Global Engineering and Research (GEAR) Lab run by Professor Amos Winter. Her research there involves experimentally validating and refining models of the drip emitters used for drip irrigation. A new clog-resistant design, if made commercially available, could help lower the capital, operating, and labor costs for farmers that use drip irrigation systems. She is currently collaborating with a manufacturing partner in India as well as field trial partners in the Middle East and North Africa to produce emitters according to this new design, test them on working farms, quantify their impact, and collect user feedback.