Past Funded Researchers

Elfatih Eltahir
- H.M. King Bhumibol Professor
- Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Elfatih Eltahir is the Breen M. Kerr Professor of Hydrology and Climate and Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is a recipient of Kuwait Prize in Applied Science in 2000, elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in 2008, and recipient of Hydrologic Sciences Award of the American Geophysical Union in 2017. His work focuses on how shifts in land cover, land use, and climate impacts society through changes in the patterns of water availability, extreme weather, and spread of vector-borne diseases. His work utilizes numerical models to predict such impacts at regional scales.
J-WAFS-funded projects
- Near-term regional climate change in East Africa
- Past and future trends of Egypt’s water consumption and its sources
- Past J-WAFS PI assesses the impact of climate change on daily life
- J-WAFS PI creates way to quantify climate change impacts
- J-WAFS PI Elfatih Eltahir cautions weather extremes
- J-WAFS PI Elfatih Eltahir elected to the National Academy of Engineering for 2023
- Members of the J-WAFS community attended COP27 to present on urgent climate concerns
- J-WAFS PI Elfatih Eltahir says crops in Europe are vulnerable to extreme heat in coming years
- J-WAFS PI Elfatih Eltahir explains how climate change exacerbates extreme heat scenarios
- MIT researchers create platform to help front-line communities adapt to climate change
- Climate Grand Challenges flagship projects include multiple J-WAFS PIs
- Multiple J-WAFS PIs chosen as MIT Climate Grand Challenges finalists
- J-WAFS PI Elfatih Eltahir publishes research on Egyptian water consumption in Nature Communications