Past Funded Researchers

Deepak Kashyap
- FormerVisiting Professor
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar
Deepak Kashyap is a Visiting Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar. Prior to that, he was Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, and Dean at the prestigious IIT Roorkee. He is a renowned expert of groundwater planning and has strong academic and professional credentials. Among his many contributions, the most relevant to his collaborative J-WAFS-funded research (with Saurabh Amin of the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) is propagating the concept of the Simulation/ Linked-Simulation-Optimization approach for groundwater planning through many of his seminal publications and projects. Currently he and his doctoral student Aditya Kapoor are involved in the development of a distributed groundwater flow model of the Bist Doab (interbasin) aquifer – which is slated to be baseline model for his J-WAFS research. The model provides dynamic simulated head fields, which can then be used to compute several planning related state variables of groundwater systems such as depth-to-water table distribution, stream-aquifer interflows, static storage etc. It is the first groundwater modeling exercise conducted for this region.