News J-WAFS Announces RFP for sixth annual seed grant to fuel new research in water and food

These seed grants, available to MIT Principal Investigators in all departments and programs across the Institute, will provide up to two years of research funding to support new research projects that address critical challenges in water and food.  

November 26, 2019

J-WAFS has released their sixth request for proposals for innovative research in water, agriculture, and food systems throughout MIT.   This research grant is one of J-WAFS flagship grant programs. The two-year grants that are awarded to MIT PIs in 2020 will provide up to $75,000 per year, overhead free, to support new research projects that address critical challenges in water and food.  

Over five prior grant cycles, J -WAFS has supported 38 MIT projects that tackle challenges in the water and food sectors from myriad disciplinary approaches, with awards totaling $6.7 million. Several of these projects have already benefitted from follow-on funding, new institutional collaborations, and high-profile exposure in publications and conferences with opportunities for policy impact. Some have generated new IP and gone on to secure commercialization grants through our J-WAFS Solutions program. You can read more about our funded projects here.

To find out more about the grant and how to submit a proposal, please review our RFP which gives the full grant details and proposal instructions. The templates for grant proposal documents are available for download from within the proposal submission siteMIT researchers submitting proposals can create an account to get access and begin the submission process.

The proposal deadline is 5:00 pm on January 16th, 2018.

I’ve really enjoyed working on a project that has the potential to have a dramatic positive impact on the world. It’s a very motivating thought, that if you are able to be successful, you can help bring about real change in the world. It’s pretty incredible to see the scope and effectiveness of J-WAFS projects.

—Joseph Sandt, PhD Candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, funded by a seed grant through 2019

Joseph Sandt portrait